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2002-08-22 - 12:41 p.m.
Yay! We're going to Georgian Downs to see David Usher tonight! The concert starts at 8:00. We're leaving around 5:30-6:00 so we can go out for supper, and go to the casino. I've never been in a casino before.

Also, I found this site that says when movies are gonna come out on video.

Big Trouble - October 8, 2002

Master of Disguise - Estimated for January 2003

Mr. Deeds - October 22, 2002

Scooby Doo - October 11, 2002

Sorority Boys - October 15th, 2002

Spiderman - November 1, 2002

Halloween: Resurrection: December 2002

Austin Powers in Goldmember: December 2002

Star Wars: Episode 2 - November 12, 2002

XXX - December 31, 2002

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