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2003-10-10 - 3:41 p.m.
Holy shit I had a bad day! I got to work, and found out from Erin that someone had left the fridge and freezer open ALL NIGHT. All I know, is that it WASN'T me. I left at 2:00 and I made sure it was closed. Kerry and Bev closed last night, so it was one of them. Karen had to go out and buy all new stuff. Lucky for me I improvised with the stuff that actually WAS good. I made rice and ham with sauce, veggies, salad, bread and apple sauce.

I also found out from Haley that Bev's son has lice. Great! Now I'm gonna be paranoid. I've had lice before and it isn't very nice. I swear I didn't mean for that to rhyme. hahaha.

AND three kids were sent home yesterday with pink eye! Kerry has it now, and Erin is starting to get it. The daycare is a dump! I didn't get my check today either. I was so busy cleaning everything and throwing things that totally forgot about it, until it was time to leave.

The bus was late too, so I got home later than usual. I'm REALLY glad it's a long weekend. We get Monday off for Thanksgiving.

I'm doing nothing all weekend. I'm just going to relax and take it easy. Peter is supposed to be coming on MSN around 4:00 my time so we can chat. Yippee!

Ahhh! I just noticed that my Dana Carvey layout isn't showing up anymore. *CRIES!* I need a new layout!!

Wait.....that's weird, now it IS showing up!

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